Yakuza Like a Dragon

Yakuza Like a Dragon Apunkagames Highly Compressed

Yakuza Like a Dragon Pc Game – Overview – Download – Highly Compressed

Type of game: Action
PC Release Date: January 16, 2020

Developer: Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio

Download Yakuza Like a Dragon for PC Highly Compressed, this is the new version of the Yakuza RPG series, which always has dramatic plots within a compelling story and unique characters.

Like a Dragon comes with bold and wonderful updates in terms of the level of graphics compared to previous versions, with every step you take inside the game world you will find many amazing fine details that are characterized by unprecedented realism and this also applies to the design of characters and tools. The events of this version take place in a completely new city that did not appear in previous versions where the new details that you can explore.

Narrow streets but crowded with pedestrians who you can notice the finest details in their designs, not to mention seeing the glowing neon lighting at night and watching changes in weather phenomena such as rain and wind blowing sometimes, not to mention the fine details that make up the playing environment itself such as the shapes of streets, walls, cars, advertising signs, buildings and many other artistic elements that make the playing environment look completely realistic and vibrant.

As for the effects in the game, you can expect strong visual and audio effects that harmonize precisely with the events, as battles and clashes are accompanied by visual effects such as strong lighting and sound effects such as exciting background music and the sounds of blows, punches and vehicles, which enhances the feeling of integration and speed.

Like a Dragon game version offers a new and innovative combat system based on assigning roles to different characters within the team instead of the real-time combat system that was followed in previous versions of the Yakuza game. This made every battle within the game require strategic thinking and planning to assign roles and attack timings appropriately with the characters according to the combat skills of each of them.

In this version, you will not have to make quick movements and reactions during combat confrontations, but you can take turns with the rest of the team members to take the reins of the fight, and this is of course based on the weaknesses and strengths of each member of the team. Since it is no longer about quick strikes from one character only, the priority here is to choose accurate strikes that ensure maximum effectiveness in defeating enemies.

The reins of everything will be in your hands after downloading the Yakuza Like a Dragon game. You are the one who controls directing the other characters in the team to use weapons or resort to attacks that you see fit with the nature of the fight you are fighting and the enemy’s capabilities.

From the environmental weapons that you find next to you in the game environment such as chairs, tables, commercial signs and traffic convincing to traditional weapons such as sticks, swords, iron bars and chains in addition to firearms such as pistols and rifles, there is a huge variety of weapons in the game and it remains in your hands to choose the type of weapon that you see as appropriate for the battle.

In the city, you can engage in main missions or entertaining side missions such as karaoke and bowling games by entering the gangs designated for this in the game environment, or indulge in combat or commercial side missions through which you achieve the development of your character in terms of skills.

Before downloading make sure that your PC meets minimum system requirements.
System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 | AMD FX-8350.
  • RAM: 8 GB.
  • VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660, 2 GB | AMD Radeon HD 7870, 2 GB.
  • PIXEL SHADER: 5.0.
  • OS: Windows 10.
Yakuza Like a Dragon Screenshot Yakuza Like a Dragon Gameplay shot

How to Install?

1. After downloading the game fileextract it with WINRAR.
2. Stop the program and firewall before installation.
3. Go to the game folder and open the SETUP installation icon.
4. Choose the installation path and after finishing, open the game from the desktop icon.

How to Download?
If your don’t know how to Download this game, just click here

Game Size: 20 GB

Password: www.apunkagames.vip or apunkagames

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