Medal of Honor Warfighter

Medal of Honor Warfighter Apunkagames Highly Compressed

Medal of Honor Warfighter Pc Game – Overview – Download – Highly Compressed

Type of game: Action
PC Release Date: 12 Oct, 2010
Electronic Arts


In this version Medal of Honor Warfighter, the player bears the responsibility of saving the world from an evil terrorist plan being woven by global mafia forces aiming to impose their control over the world by waging wars and destabilizing peace. The game is played from a first-person perspective for a stronger integration with events on the battlefields, so be prepared to use all your senses to win and complete the tasks assigned to you with courage and wisdom.

The events of the story after downloading the game Medal of Honor Warfighter for the computer follow attempts to control terrorist operations targeting the entire world and are planned from the locations of terrorist forces in Pakistan, Bosnia, the Philippines, Somalia and some additional locations, so the playing environment and the fields in which the battles take place are a realistic three-dimensional simulation of some of the desert and tropical environments that characterize these cities.

The difficult terrain in the mountainous desert areas that terrorists use as a hideout, as well as the narrow streets and alleys crowded with pedestrians, pose consequences that increase the levels of difficulty in performing the tasks assigned to you, which often involve targeting the big heads in mafia gangs without harming safe civilians.

These missions usually occur at a designated point on the game map that the player must move to and then follow the instructions of the senior leaders, which is necessary but not inevitable. You can follow your own method to reach the same desired result if you want.

You have the ability, once you download the compressed Medal of Honor Warfighter game, to use a large arsenal of advanced firearms such as sniper rifles, hand pistols and automatic rifles that provide excellent results for individual targets, as well as tanks, hand explosives, machine guns and rocket launchers for group targets and many other weapons that will enable you to trap your enemies at a distance sufficient to stay safe from their weapons, which are not much different from those you have.

Before downloading make sure that your PC meets minimum system requirements.
System Requirements

  • OS *: Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7
  • Processor: Pentium D 3.0GHz / Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz / Athlon X2
  • Memory: 12 GB
  • Graphics: GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900
  • Graphics Memory: 2GB


Medal of Honor Warfighter screenshot Medal of Honor Warfighter gameplay screenshot

How to Install?

1. After downloading the game fileextract it with WINRAR.
2. Stop the program and firewall before installation.
3. Go to the game folder and open the SETUP installation icon.
4. Choose the installation path and after finishing, open the game from the desktop icon.

How to Download?
If your don’t know how to Download this game, just click here

Game Size: 11.5 GB

Password: or apunkagames

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