Max Payne 2

Max Payne 2 apunkagames

Max Payne 2 Pc Game – Overview – Download – Highly Compressed

Type of game: Third-person shooter
PC Release Date: 14 October 2003
Remedy Entertainment

Max Payne 2 allows single-player play using the character of Max Payne, a police officer who set out on his personal mission to take revenge on the killers of his wife and daughter after he was previously arrested by one of the dangerous mafia gangs; The first levels of Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne start with one level of difficulty that is automatically adjusted according to the player’s skill in overcoming dangers and defeating the surrounding enemies.

This automatic adjustment in the game’s difficulty level depends on the number of times the player receives fatal injuries or loses his life repeatedly, as the artificial intelligence that the game system is equipped with detects whether the player finds it very difficult to complete the tasks, and thus more means of assistance are made available, such as additional lives, painkillers, and medical supplies, in addition to weapons and extra time to pass the first level; After the player is able to pass the first stage with all its difficulties, the ban is lifted on additional difficulty levels from which the player can choose what suits him. Weapons: At the beginning of the game, only one machine gun is available to the player, but after downloading Max Payne 2 for PC and as the levels progress, more powerful, influential and deadly weapons are made available when the player gains more experience and skill in the best way to shoot to hit targets and get rid of surrounding enemies before they can reach the main character and the levels end in loss.

Before downloading make sure that your PC meets system requirements.
System Requirements
  • OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • CPU: Pentium 3 @ 1 GHz Processor
  • Memory: 256 MB
  • Hard Drive: 1.5 GB Free
  • Video Memory: 32 MB AGP Graphics Card with HW T&L support
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 9.0
  • Keyboard & Mouse
  • CD/DVD Rom Drive
Max Payne 2 Screenshot Max Payne 2 Gameplay Screenshot

How to Install?

1. After downloading the game fileextract it with WINRAR.
2. Stop the program and firewall before installation.
3. Go to the game folder and open the SETUP installation icon.
4. Choose the installation path and after finishing, open the game from the desktop icon.

How to Download?
If your don’t know how to Download this game, just click here

Game Size: 1 GB


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Hello Guys! We hope your game is working 100% fine because it is our first priority to upload only working and tested games. When I upload this game on server I first try this game on my own laptop then upload on the server you are dw about the game game is working 100%. We test every single game before uploading but but if you encountered some error like Runtime Errors or Missing dll files or others errors during installation than you must need read this FAQs page to fix it.

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