Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3 Apunkagames Highly Compressed

Mass Effect 3 Pc Game – Overview – Download – Highly Compressed

Type of game: Action
PC Release Date: 6 Mar, 2012

Download Mass Effect 3 for PC Highly Compressed, it is the third and final version of the action game series across the space galaxies Mass Effect, where Commander Shepard sets out in this version to confront the events that follow him after discovering the invasion of the enemies of the alien Reapers on planet Earth and causing great harm to the innocent humans who inhabit planet Earth and the Milky Way galaxy in general.

Therefore, Commander Shepard sets out in this version to ally with large and powerful armies across the space galaxies to confront this imminent danger and defeat it before the losses and risks continue, in this version you will have to unite all the peoples of the galaxy in order to obtain the required support.

You will also be able to make the decisions that you see as correct and in the interest of the ultimate primary goal, and of course the decisions that you will make will radically affect the course of the story in general, so you must follow your strategic thinking and problem-solving skills in order to be able to develop the most appropriate plan to defeat the enemies and remove the imminent danger to humanity.

As for the effects after downloading the Mass Effect 3 game, they are also among the factors that add value and high quality to the gaming experience in general, including lighting effects that highlight important details in the gaming environment, as well as the more realistic destruction style, as all elements in the gaming environments are interactive and you can destroy, break or move them, and of course this will ultimately affect the course of the story.

You will have to make many difficult decisions that will radically affect the course of the story and the sequence of events, so you must do everything in your power to make the right decisions that will achieve the main goal, which is to defeat the enemies and repel the imminent real dangers to humans on planet Earth.

In addition to heavy weapons that will enable you to inflict a huge amount of damage to large numbers of enemies in the blink of an eye, including rocket launchers, cannons and machine guns, the game also includes advanced vital weapons that you can use to fight advanced enemies that are resistant to combat. This type of weapon includes vital rifles and energy launchers.

Before downloading make sure that your PC meets minimum system requirements.
Minimum System Requirements

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista (only)
  • Processor: Dual core processor 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
  • Memory: 5 GB
  • Hard Drive: 12 GB
  • Video Memory: 256 MB DirectX 10.0–compliant video card or DirectX 9.0–compliant card with Shader Model 3.0 or higher
  • DirectX: 9.0c
  • Keyboard & Mouse
Mass Effect 3 screenshot Mass Effect 3 gameplay screenshot

How to Install?

1. After downloading the game fileextract it with WINRAR.
2. Stop the program and firewall before installation.
3. Go to the game folder and open the SETUP installation icon.
4. Choose the installation path and after finishing, open the game from the desktop icon.

How to Download?
If your don’t know how to Download this game, just click here

Game Size: 5 GB

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